Augmented hades weapons
Augmented hades weapons

An Exilus Adapter is still required to unlock the slot, but a Forma is not necessary unless changing it to another polarity.


Khora is the second Warframe after Inaros to have a built-in polarity in the Exilus mod slot.The four spikes on Khora's back are a special auxiliary attachment, similar to Nekros binds.Khora's visual design was inspired from an arachnid, hence the abdomen-like skirt, and spiderweb-like design on her chest.This seems to be the theme of the Ghoul Journal Fragments. Another inspiration could be centered around Plato's term khôra which means neither being nor nonbeing, but an interval between in which the "forms" were originally held it "gives space" and has maternal overtones (a womb, matrix).Kore is also the modern name for a type of free-standing Ancient Greek sculpture portraying an emotionless maiden symbol of the ideal, transcending above the hardships of the world.The inspiration for Khora's name could come from the Greek Goddess Kore (also known as Persephone), Queen of the Underworld and wife to Hades, God of the dead and King of the Underworld.Khora is the first Warframe to ever require Kavat Genetic Codes, due to Venari being a Kavat, and the first Warframe to require Kuaka Spinal Claw, possibly due to her connection with the Plains of Eidolon mentioned in the Ghoul Fragments.

augmented hades weapons

Initially designed to change between Physical damage types ( Impact, Puncture, & Slash), her finalized kit was showcased on Devstream 109 with the dependency on damage types removed and a new behavior mode selection feature for Venari was introduced instead. Khora's abilities have undergone revision during the development process due to player feedback on Damage 2.5.Khora was later also mentioned in the Ghoul Fragments.The stream featured her concept artist, Michael Skyers, who is one of Digital Extremes' 3D model artists. Khora is the 35th unique Warframe to be released.Venari herself grants 6,000 mastery points, similar to other companions.Dual Keres/ Dual Keres Prime gains 20% Heavy Attack Efficiency.Hystrix/ Hystrix Prime has a 8% chance on headshots to instantly reload.

augmented hades weapons

When Khora wields her Signature Weapons:.The Kavat disappeared into his Sanctuary Onslaught, waiting for a worthy Tenno to claim Khora. Cephalon Simaris later received Khora's blueprints from The Quills and his Sentinels synthesized Venari a short time later. Believing her to be on the Plains of Eidolon, he left his journal in the care of Konzu. Now a "better man than a scientist", Sigor Savah would then dedicate his life to searching for Khora's remains. Cephalon Simaris in response to the prompt "Rewards?" for Sanctuary Onslaught Giving the scientist one final glance, VK-7 activated the conveyor and lunged at her pursuers, sacrificing herself to save Sigor Savah.

augmented hades weapons augmented hades weapons

Knowing both of them could no longer stay on Venus, the pair fled for a conveyor bound for orbit, but the Corpus had caught up to them. VK-7 would then return the favor and saved the scientist from execution. Sigor Savah promptly betrayed the Corpus to rescue the creature and was sentenced to be executed. The Corpus, naming VK-7 as the Horror of the Hives, deemed the creature a threat unworthy of study. The creature then delivered the scientist a severed hand of Orokin construction: Khora. Placing loyalty above profit, Sigor Savah found himself tending to VK-7's wounds. When Sigor Savah confronted the creature, the beast revealed a wound to him as act of trust. The scientist would learn that VK-7 could adapt to its Corpus visitors, learning their schedules to formulate a plan for escape.Īfter VK-7's escape, it would proceed to raid Corpus hive sites and none who had attacked the beast survived. Sigor Savah believed VK-7 would make a fortune, but when he prepared for a surgical examination, the creature had willed itself back to life. Tasked with decoding Orokin gene record and reviving select specimens for study, he came across an unusually large Kavat with atypical behavioural characteristics he would name Specimen VK-7. Sigor Savah was a Corpus morphology specialist that worked under Nef Anyo's Venusian terraforming expedition.

Augmented hades weapons