Heres a tip - when your players take your core idea and start running it on private servers, adding content that you havent, shit is out of control. Youre not slipping anymore, youre hurtling downhill, and your customer base except for a few pre-pubescent scripters, is not enjoying the ride. The thing about DayZ is that you got a lot of suits looking at you with dollar signs in their eyes and theyre just waiting for you to slip up. Its because they were fucking morons in case you missed it. And they wondered why their launch went down the drain. So people signed up, got killed repeatedly in the noob spawning grounds, quit. Nobody fucking cared by then - seriously one MMO in particular was sparklingly way ahead of its time but decided it would be 'fun' to use the OPEN FUCKING BETA as a testing ground for exploits. There are at least two examples of games I can think of that failed miserably because they used beta as a testing ground / proof of concept and got a shit reputation as unbalanced hacked pieces of crap, even though they sorted it all out at launch or soon after. Constantly yelling 'its an alpha' (and for the inevitable replies that will state this, let me just riposte with a catch-all 'Fuck you, you sound like a broken record has been shoved sideways up your arse which it probably has, you one trick-pony shagging wannabe troll') is no defence if the goodwill of the client base drains from a game. Whatever youre doing to sort this, do it fucking quick. I thought i was playing 28 Dayz Later, turns out im in fucking Jumpers. Alt-F4 - yes the fucking magic teleport switch. If you dont, then you will be shot in the face by the 33 people who have and thats boring too. If you can tool up in 5 minutes by doing circles of Guba Bay so that youre a ghillie suited death dealer, shit becomes boring real fast. Duping - if there is anything that will keep you playing once you know the map like the little pits on the back of your wanking hand, its the constant struggle to get good gear. Hacking, or rather scripting - fuck it weve beaten this horse to death. This game has hit its highpoint and is starting to slide backwards and the reasons are pretty fucking obvious.

#Sleepless elite dayz server Offline#
The reason for my perturbing? Two of my goddamn favourite servers are going offline at the end of the month and this is symptomatic of the shit that is going down right now. Not in the easy access to military weaponry type of disturbed you americans love so much even though you keep getting shot in the face, but in a 'fuck me ive seen this before' type of preeminent foreboding which, in the breadth of my manifest experience, is the gaming equivalent of a rain of fucking locusts landing on the heads of the twats with swords who just turned up at your front door asking where the old kids are.

For these and many other reasons, i am going to deliver to your tiny jugs the word of God. Maybe its because im an ex-mercenary and can run the mile in just under world record time but was asked by Her Majesty the fucking Queen not to show up Usain in my hometown so fuck you. It might be the fact that you all have the attention spans of alzheimers stricken goldfish, or that collectively you basement dwellers claim enough social security to equal one real job, or perhaps it may just be the fact that i dont live in the same room where i learnt to go pee pee and poo poo after i started growing facial hair ( you too girls).